4309 Midway Drive, Temple, TX 76502
www.hindutemple.org /254 771 1270
Swami Ashwini Prajnaa in Temple
Sri Ashwini Prajnaa speaks in Gujarati, Hindi and English fluently. He is knowledgeable in topics regarding Indian and Western Philosophy, Yoga &Meditation, Personality Development, Holistic Health etc. Please view http://www.jainworld.com/societies/ashwinipragya.asp for a biography.
Special Strengths: He is a capable and influential orator. His lectures are in simple and practical language while maintaining a personal touch with humor to make it interesting and inspiring. He is energetic and is committed to spread the knowledge of Jainism, Preksha Dhyana (Preksha is a process of awakening ones own reasoning mind (viveka) and thereby control ones passions and emotions. It is based on the principle of engaging ones mind by concentrating on the perception rather than on thought. The perception, again, is that of internal phenomena of consciousness and not that of external objects), Indian Culture and Values with special references to Western Philosophy. He has coordinated thousands of training camps & workshops in schools, colleges, universities, NGO'S, etc.
NOTE: Please have light breakfast prior to yoga session in morning.
The Program:
Saturday September 1
9 am-10:15 am: Yoga workshop (English)
15 minutes break
10:30 am - 11:45 am Health Management (English or Hindi - audience choice)
1:30 pm-3:00 pm Understanding Spirituality (English or Hindi - audience choice)
6:00 pm-7:30pm Anger Management (Hindi)
Sunday September 2
9:00 am-10:15 Meditation and Pranayam Workshop (English)
Break: 15 minutes
10:30 pm-11:45 pm Concentration & Memory Development (English) in place of Geetha Class for Children
1:30 pm-3:00pm Stress Management (English or Hindi - audience choice)
6:30 pm-8:00 pm Science of Living (Jivan Jivvani Kala) in Gujarati
HTCT Board.