(HELD ON August 28, 2010)

The following are the results of the BHAGAVAD GITA recitation competition held on the 28th at the temple. While only three who scored the highest overall in each group are recognized here, several others stood in individual categories. It is our fervent hope that the children will continue to study and contemplate on the principles enshrined in each verse in the Bhagavad Gita and use those as a guiding light in their journey through life. The total score is out of a possible score of 440
GROUP 1. AGES 3-5.
1ST Place: Darshan Koushik
2nd Place: Harish Kashyap
3rd Place: Suraj Swamy
GROUP 2. AGES 6-9.
1ST Place: Radhika Rajalal
2nd Place: Bhavana Dokka
3rd Place: Anjali Madathil
GROUP 3. AGES 10 and up
1ST Place: Roma Venkateswaran
2nd Place: Subhanga Ballal
3rd Place: Meera Gopal
Prize distribution will be after Maha Aarathi on Ganesha Chaturthi on the 11th of September.
Board - HTCT