Pray for Global Peace, Health and Prosperity
"Lokah Samasthah Sukhino Bhavanthu"
Hanuman Abhishekam & Pooja with
Hanuman Chaaleesa |
MAY-8th- Sat @ 6:30pm |
Manojavam Maruta Tulya Vegam Jitendriyam Buddhimataam Varishtham
Vaataatmajam Vaanara Yooth Mukhyam Shri Raama Dootam Sharnam Prapadye |
I take Refuge in Sri Hanuman. Let me pray and salute to the one who is swift as thought, the one who is more powerful than the wind, the one who has conquered his senses, best amongst the wise, the son of the wind-god, the commander of the army of forest creatures, To that Lord Sri Rama's Messenger, the incomparable Lord Hanuman, Let me seek refuge.
Sponsorship to your ability. Please send us an email with name(s), Gothram and Nakshatra(s). Then go to our website, click 'Donate'and follow the prompts.
Or, you may send a check payable to 'HTCT' and mail to the temple address above. |
Sreeram Hariharan
BS Srinidhi
HTCT Board
Hindu Temple of Central Texas, 4309, Midway Dr, Temple TX 76502
254.771.1270 Phone | Driving Directions