4309 Midway Drive, Temple, TX 76502
www.hindutemple.org /254 771 1270
Sunday, Nov 17, 10:30 a.m.
Ganapathi & Navagraha Homam followed by Navagraha Abhishekam & pooja
Jupiter also called as Guru in Indian astrological terms is considered the most auspicious planet among all planets. It is the planet or graham that protect us from the evil cosmic forces and the bad karmic energies that are generated due to our series of births here on this earth. Jupiter takes 13 months to complete its one cycle in zodiac. Jupiter is responsible to bless with progress and prosperity, wisdom, children, education and fame.
This Year, Jupiter has transited to Sagittarius sign on 5th November 2019 morning about 02:49 AM and will stay there till 20th November 2020 about noon 12:41 PM.
Many parts of India mark this change in Jupiter’s position with Special Homam and Pooja. Offering prayers to Lord during this period brings good luck and fortune in our lives. It is believed that if Guru (Jupiter) bestows His kindness on us, we will be free from all forms of negativities and move forward in life with success in things that we do.
Please visit our web-site for the weekly and monthly Pooja schedule, regular Sunday Classes, and weekly YOGA Classes.
Sreeram Hariharan
BS Srinidhi
HTCT Board