4309 Midway Drive, Temple, TX 76502
www.hindutemple.org /254 771 1270
Dear Devotees and Patrons of the Hindu Temple of Central Texas,
The year is coming to an end and several of you are again pondering about making a donation to a worthy cause. While there are several worthy causes, we hope that you will keep the Hindu Temple of Central Texas in mind and make a generous donation to the temple.
This is a small temple but we now have three outstanding priests, Sri Sreeram Hariharan, Sri Bangalore S. Srinidhi and Sri Ujas Pancholi, to look up to for our religious needs. The temple is quite traditional and so beautiful, often photographed for its beauty with loved ones standing in front of the temple.
Devotees come from not only the Central Texas area but from all over Texas to have darshan of Omkara MahaGanapathy and the other deities at the temple.
The temple has the usual day to day expenses. The premises and the building need to be maintained. We have an operating fund to meet the day to day expenses as well as some of the more expensive maintenance and repairs. We also have an endowment fund. The principal in this fund will remain untouched. The interest or gain can be used for any needed purposes if there are insufficient funds in the operating account. The endowment fund is still being built up.
The ongoing project in front of the temple, the OM Project, is slowly progressing. Two years ago, an architect from Dallas visited our temple and viewed it from a distance. He was awed by the beauty and magnificence. Since then he has been working closely with the Board and the Priests. The original OM Project changed its appearance substantially and what is in its stead will be adding to the beauty and majesty while enshrining the Vedic concept, “Ekam Sat, Viprahah Bahudha Vadanti” (Rig Veda, 1.164.46), ‘Truth is one, wise call it by various names’. For several reasons (primarily weather related) the construction has been slow. But it is progressing. As you pass by, please take a few moments to see the progress of the project.
A place of worship should serve its own community and the larger community in which the it is located. With that spirit, we provide annadanam for the devotees every week-end and a few of the special holidays. In addition, the temple provides sandwiches for the poor and homeless in the community once a month through Feed My Sheep Temple. Volunteers prepare the sandwiches in the temple premises and then deliver to Feed My Sheep Temple.
We also have cultural activities at the temple, spiritual discourses from time to time and Sunday classes for children and adults.
Any amount of donation will go a long way. “Many a drop makes an ocean”, as the old saying goes. Please help us also take advantage of employer matching where available. You may send your check to the above address. To donate on line, please click:
Again, we sincerely hope that you will keep the Hindu Temple of Central Texas in mind as you make your year-end and ongoing charitable donations. All donations to the temple are tax deductible and we will send a receipt.
As we will be sending cumulative year-end donation receipts of $250 or more, please let us know if you have a new mailing (USPS) address. Please send the address change to info@hindutemple.org.
Looking forward to continue to fulfill your religious and spiritual needs,
The HTCT Board