4309 Midway Drive, Temple, TX 76502
www.hindutemple.org /254 771 1270
MONDAY (Labor Day) – 09/05/2016
8:30 A.M. - 1:00 P.M. MAHAGANAPATHY Homam with 108 COCONUTS followed by
10:30 A.M. OMKARA MAHAGANAPATHY Abhishekam & Pooja
11:45 A.M. RATHOLSAVAM (chariot Procession) followed by MAHA PRASADAM
4:00 p.m – 5:30 p.m. SAHASRA GALARCHANA by RAGANJALI
With the blessings of HH Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swami, Sahasrabdi is a global initiative to perpetuate the memory of Saint Ramanujacharya through Sahasra Galarchana, a 1000 singing voices in Dallas, on Nov 19, 2016. All over USA, JET local chapters are gathering and singing these songs, which form the building blocks for Sahasrabdi. The Austin Raganjali group is humbled to be presenting these songs at the Omkara MahaGanapaty Temple on Sep 5 to spread His message of peace and equality to mankind. The songs are in many languages and offer glimpses into his multifaceted personality of a Saint, Philosopher, Social reformer, and a Jagadacharya (Preceptor of the world). For questions or to be included in a future recital, please get in touch with our Austin coordinator Lakshmi Samudrala at samudrala_lakshmi@yahoo.com Raganjali is open to all irrespective of age, sex, location, musical ability to join in this singing following the tenets of Samatva (Equality) and Aikyata (Unity) of Saint Ramanujacharya.
6:30 - 8:00 PM
Guided Meditation - Shivanubhuti, by Swami Bodhananda Sarasvati
Shiva dances in our hearts and is the heart of the world. This meditation leads us to the experience of Shiva whose radiance is the manifested universe.
Food will be available all day.
Please visit our web-site for the regular Sunday Classes and weekly Pooja & Special Event Schedule
Sreeram Hariharan
BS Srinidhi
Ujas Pancholi
HTCT Board