4309 Midway Drive, Temple, TX 76502
www.hindutemple.org /254 771 1270
In accordance with the Shastras, the Punarudharana Maha-abhishekam of the Hindu Temple of Central Texas, OMKARA MAHAGANAPATHY DEVASTHANAM, will be performed from Thursday the 26th through Sunday the 29th. This unique ceremony occurs every twelve years after the establishment of a temple to renew, nurture, and preserve the divine presence of the deities; and to revitalize the dedication of the devotees and their connection to the divine power. The rituals will be performed by a group of scholarly priests in accordance with the Agama Shastra and Vedic Traditions.
The first day’s (Thursday the 26th) events will be as follows:
8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Vighneswara Pooja, Devatanugnai Punyaham, Ganapathy Homam, Poornahuthi, Deeparadhana and Prasadam.
6:35 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. Vighneswara Pooja, Anugnai, Sankalpam. Acharyavaranam, Punyaham, Kalasa Avahana Pooja, Ganapathy Homam, Vasthu Shanthi & Homam, Mritsangrahanam, AnguraArpanam, Raksha Bandhanam, Poornahuthi, Deeparadhana and Prasadam.
For a schedule of events for all the four days, please visit: http://hindutemple.org and "click to view Pooja schedule"
In addition to the religious functions, the following additional activities are scheduled on Saturday and Sunday.
Saturday the 28th, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.: Cultural & Social Program
5:30 p.m. Bharatanatyam Dance by Janani from Dallas.
6:15 p.m. Community leaders visit the temple and address the devotees.
Danny Dunn – Hon Mayor of Temple
Mrs. Marion Grayson – Hon Mayor of Belton
Other invitees include:
Jonathan Graham ... Temple City Manager
Gary Smith .... " Police Chief
Mitch Randles .... " Fire Chief
Jonathan Christian .. " Fire Marshall
Sam A. Listi ..... Belton City Manager
6:30 p.m. Spiritual Lecture by Swami Shivatmananda (formerly, Br. Girish Chaitanya)
Topic: Temples, Hindu Culture & 2nd Generation.
There will be a display by Sai Art Gallery (Shankar Rao Ravulapati) from Chicago with the following items on sale: Divine pictures with exquisite details, Tanjore Paintings, Indian fashion jewelry silver w/ gold plated, designer saris, beads, rubys, emeralds etc. May contact the owner, Sri Shankar Rao Ravulapati @ 630 201 5405 or shankarravul@yahoo.com
The trophies of the Mythology Quiz held on 02/07/2015 will be distributed to the participants after the noon Maha Deeparadhana on Sunday, March 29th.
The raffle tickets will be drawn after the Kalyana Mahotsavam on Sunday the 29th.
Sreeram Hariharan
BS Srinidhi
HTCT Board